Negotiate a fair and equitable arrangement with the help of our compassionate family law attorneys. We will guide you every step of the way.
Questions about: divorce law, child custody law, visitation rights, child support law or spousal support law. Call for a free consultation today!
Divorce is one of the most stressful and costly events one can go through. Not only are you fighting for custody and visitation of your children; but, you are also fighting child support, spousal support, and division of marital assets, including division of retirement and pension accounts.
You will also be forced to divide marital property, including homes and businesses. Although Virginia is an equitable distribution state, it can feel like anything but equitable.
Adding to the emotional stress during this difficult time is that you may be facing the trial process for the first time. It’s essential to have a team of experienced attorneys on your side. Make sure your rights are protected and your case is prepared properly to get the best possible outcome for your divorce.
At Melone Hatley, we pride ourselves on ensuring our clients understand the process and protect their rights at every step. From filing the complaint for divorce to negotiating a settlement agreement to taking your case to trial, our team will lead you every step of the way.
Our unique background affords us experience in dividing businesses and setting business valuations, dividing military retirement and pensions, and the setting the valuation and division of marital homes that others do not possess.
If you are facing separation and divorce, Schedule a call with one of our client services coordinators.
Military Divorce
Military divorce cases offer unique challenges including custody and visitation issues, military retirement, support, and other matters.
Our team of military divorce attorneys offer representation for servicemen and women. Our military members deserve effective advocacy during a difficult time. Our team makes it easy to stay on top of your case even from a distance.
The attorneys at Melone Hatley P.C. focus on a client-centered approach. That means communicating honestly with our clients about their rights and obligations during the process. It also means we tailor solutions depending on each client’s needs. Not every case will go through a contested trial. However, your case needs to be prepared for litigation at every stage.
Dividing military retirement and benefits can be one of the most contentious areas of military divorce cases. Spouses need to ensure their rights are protected and they don’t sacrifice more than is required for their case.
Virginia Family
Lawyer Near Me
Child Custody in Virginia
Fighting for custody of your children can be one of the most emotionally taxing experiences of your life. Putting your children’s future in the hands of the court is not a decision to be taken lightly.
If you and the other parent cannot work out a child custody and visitation arrangement, the court will make a determination of custody and visitation according to the best interests of the child. Our team has the experience to understand that every other weekend is not always the best schedule.
We will work with you and help you navigate the court system; the petitions for custody and visitation and the process of dealing with Guardians ad litem. We understand the unique challenges to contested custody and visitation cases and will help you focus on what is most important to you during this difficult time.
We obtain the best outcomes possible with your Child Custody issues. Call us now for a free consultation.

Child Support
Figuring out child support is essential to ensuring your financial future is protected and is an important element to any custody and visitation case. The court will consider not only each parent’s income, but the needs and resources available to the child as well.
If you have a child with special needs, the court can deviate from the ordinary child support guidelines and focus on the financial needs of the child when determining child support.
It is imperative to ensure that the court calculates child support properly; and if one parent is not working, imputing income to that parent. Whether you are the parent who will be paying child support or the parent trying to get child support, bringing an experienced child support lawyer to court will ensure you get the best outcome.
Spousal Support
Spousal support/Alimony can be one of the most contentious pieces of any divorce. In determining spousal support/alimony, it is important to remember that every situation is unique. To calculate spousal support/alimony, the court will consider a number of factors in determining the appropriate amount and duration of the support/alimony.
Among the factors the court will consider are the parties’ relative earning capacity, their current employment, other sources of income, and the financial need of each party. In general, the longer the duration of the marriage, the longer duration of spousal support/alimony. In longer marriages, the court is more likely to award lifetime spousal support.
We will guide you through this difficult time and obtain the best possible outcome for your Spousal Support needs. Schedule your free consultation by calling our Virginia family law firm.